Add Game ROMS to Retropie

Retropie allows you to play your favorite retro games on your Pi. In this tutorial, I will show you how to add some cool ROMs to your retropie. This method would work with Raspberry Pi 3 and if you are using Pi 2 or others, you need a Network USB adapter.

You can either use a USB to transfer ROMs or you can tranfer them through your network. This tutorial will be using the network method as it is more convenient.

1. Download Filezilla for your PC ( and install it.

2. Enable ssh on your Pi by going to raspi-config if you haven't already.

3. Get the local IP address of your Pi by typing "ifconfig". Look under wlan0.

4. Download the game ROMs from 
and extract them.

5. Now open Filezilla and login to your Pi with IP address and login credentials
Default username - pi
Default password - raspberry
Port - 22

6. On the retropie side of Filezilla, go to /home/pi/Retropie/roms and similarly go to the path where you downloaded your ROMs

7. Select the ROM from your PC and drag the ROM in the appropriate folder. Example - If it is a NES ROM drag it into the NES folder.

8. Reboot your Pi.

9. After restarting, you would be able to see the game in Retropie.

Have Fun!


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